This housing block design started with a simple, efficient block. By adjusting the building to its urban context, a clear-cut volume with a strong identity was generated. View lines from the access roads and surrounding bridges cut through the block and create various kinds of opening towards the water. Therefore the building offers surprising views of the lake when seen from the adjoining neighbourhood.The ascending rooflines don’t only emphasize the two corners of the sculptural block, but also give it a characteristic front. The volume rises from 3 layers on the side that faces the water houses to 7 layers on the lakeside, granting all apartments in the block a great view. All apartments, apart from those on ground level, are accessed from the cores situated within the highest parts of the building. Short galleries connect to the cores on alternating storeys. This alternation of galleries generates a sculptural courtyard façade, but also creates different housing types. In addition, there are some special corner flats in the corners of the building, and at the “beach” and on the side facing the water houses, there are two ground-level apartments. |